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Large Asteroceras Ammonite From the Black Ven Marls

Large Asteroceras Ammonite From the Black Ven Marls

Name: Asteroceras turneri
Family: Arietitidae
Age: Lower Jurassic - Lias beta
Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): The ammonite is 8.8 cm (3.5”) in diameter. The plate size is 12.7 x 9.5 cm (5 x 3 ¾”)
Fossil Location: Stonebarrow, Charmouth, Dorset, UK
Comments: Allow your eyes to feast on this magnificent specimen. This is a classic UK genus from a world-class collecting locality. It rests comfortably, angled on a flat matrix base. There has been no crushing or distortion to the specimen. This one would definitely compliment any serious ammonite collection. Background: Originally known as the Black Marl Beds. The Black Ven Marls (averaging 43m in thickness) are a succession of blue-black mudstones and shales containing the occasional limestone bands and nodules. Although the colour is due to the presence of finely disseminated iron pyrite, it does not denote that the sea-bed, at the time of the formation of theses beds, was always in an anaerobic state. At 17.6m above the base is the Flatstone Bed (Bed 83d). This is well renowned for its fine specimens of the Asteroceras turneri ammonite, which are preserved in yellow and brown calcite
Price:$150.00 - Code PFA73- Free postage in the USA - Purchase

Obscure Physodoceras wolfi Cut and Polished Ammonite from Kenya

Obscure Physodoceras wolfi Cut and Polished Ammonite from Kenya

Name: Physodoceras wolfi
Superfamily: Perisphinctaceae, Family: Aspidoceratidae
Age: Lower Jurassic - (Kimmeridgian)
Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): The ammonite is 3 3/4” in diameter
Fossil Location: Mombasa, Kenya
Comments: Generally speaking, I assume a fossil is rare when I can find absolutely little or no information regarding the genus anywhere on the net. (To be truthful, there are a couple of vague academic references to Kenyan ammonites one may find.) This black beauty has been cut and polished to reveal a most lovely interior. Of special note are the white crystal inclusions. Sub Saharan fossils are always of interest, and for the ammonite specialist, this specimen will certainly be significant.
Price:$135.00 - Code PFA118- Free postage in the USA - Purchase

Obscure Physodoceras wolfi Cut and Polished Ammonite from Kenya

Obscure Physodoceras wolfi Cut and Polished Ammonite from Kenya

Name: Physodoceras wolfi
Superfamily: Perisphinctaceae, Family: Aspidoceratidae
Age: Lower Jurassic - Lias beta
Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): The ammonite is 3 7/8” in diameter
Fossil Location: Mombasa, Kenya
Comments: Generally speaking, I assume a fossil is rare when I can find absolutely little or no information regarding the genus anywhere on the net. (To be truthful, there are a couple of vague academic references to Kenyan ammonites one may find.) This black beauty has been cut and polished to reveal a most lovely interior. Of special note are the white crystal inclusions. Sub Saharan fossils are always of interest, and for the ammonite specialist, this specimen will certainly be significant
Price:$135.00 - Code PFA119- Free postage in the USA - Purchase

Fine Cleoniceras Polished from Tulear, Madagascar

Fine Cleoniceras Polished from Tulear, Madagascar

Name: Cleoniceras sp. Ammonite
Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda, Subclass Ammonoidea, Order Ammonitida
Age: Cretaceous
Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): The ammonite is 5 3/4” inches in diameter
Fossil Location: Tulear, Madagascar
Comments: This is a large sized and beautifully colored polished ammonite species. Note the wonderfully articulated suture (growth lines) so wonderful in their complexity. The colors range in gradation from off-white to an array of honey ambers, and browns. Both sides are equally displayable. This specimen would make a perfect display or decorative piece.
Price:$100.00 - Code PFA111- Free postage in the USA - Purchase